Online Join Form

Your Details

Date of birth

We use this to calculate your default insurance cover for you (if eligible).

Velocity Frequent Flyer number (optional)

Tell us your 10 digit Velocity Frequent Flyer membership number to be eligible for Velocity Points rewarded by Virgin Money on contributions. If you're not a Velocity member, simply leave this field blank.

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Your Tax File Number

You don’t have to provide your Tax File Number (TFN) now, but it’s a good idea to so you don’t pay more tax on your super than you need to. Here are just some of the reasons why:

  • Avoid contributions from your before-tax salary being taxed at up to 47%, instead of just 15%.
  • We’ll be able to help find other super accounts you may have and combine them into your new Virgin Money Super account (some people refer to this as making a rollover or consolidating).
  • You might be eligible for the government co-contribution scheme, where the government may co-contribute up to $500 to your super.
  • Virgin Money will be able to accept all permitted types of contributions on your behalf, including after-tax contributions.

Don't have your TFN handy? You can skip this step by clicking 'Continue' and provide it later.

Providing your TFN to Virgin Money Super

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, super funds are authorised to collect your Tax File Number (TFN), to be used and disclosed should we be legally required to.

You don't have to provide your TFN to us. However, if you do, it means we can:

  • check if you have a super balance in other super funds or with the Australian Tax Office (ATO), then help transfer it to your Virgin Money Super account
  • work out any tax payable to the ATO when you receive your super payout or have unclaimed super money after reaching pension age
  • pass your TFN to any other super fund or account if you want to transfer your super to another fund, unless you tell us not to in writing
  • report details of contributions to the ATO to work out if any tax on contributions is applicable if you exceed certain limits
  • pass your TFN to other Government agencies when we’re legally required to; and more.

If you don't provide your TFN, now or down the track:

  • You might pay more tax on contributions from your employer and certain other contributions you or someone else makes. Sometimes, you may be able to claim this back; however, time limits and other rules may apply.
  • The Trustee can only accept contributions from your employer. Other contributions like post-tax contributions (including personal contributions, co-contributions and some government contributions) can’t be accepted.
  • You may pay more tax on your super (although you may be able to claim this back when you lodge your tax return).
  • It could be difficult to find your super in the future if you change your address without notifying the Trustee, or combine any other super accounts you might have.
  • The legal purposes for which the Trustee can use your TFN and the consequences for not quoting your TFN may change in the future.


Where to easily find your TFN

You can find your TFN by:

  • looking at an income statement or payment summary from your employer, or
  • logging into your myGov account (if you have one), or
  • checking your income tax notice of assessment from the ATO.

Account Features

Investment options

How your super will be invested

We’ll kick things off and invest your super contributions in our default investment option LifeStage Tracker® (MySuper) based on your date of birth.

Most customers stick with this option, but you can make changes once you’ve joined through your online account. Find out more about our investment options.

Insurance cover

Being protected is important

That’s why we provide automatic Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover to eligible Aussie residents.

A few important things to note:

  • For new customers, automatic cover won’t apply until you’re aged 25 and over, and your account has reached a $6,000 balance.
  • You can choose to have cover before your reach these thresholds, for example if you’re aged between 15 and 24, eligibility conditions may apply.
  • Need more insurance? Virgin Money Super offers tailored insurance so you can apply for the right level of cover based on your needs.

More information on your insurance options is available here or in the Insurance Guide.

This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal financial situation, needs or objectives. Please consider your own personal financial circumstances and all the key documents including: the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Product Guide, Insurance Guide and Financial Service Guide before taking any action in relation to your superannuation, making a contribution, or asking your employer to contribute to Virgin Money Super for you.

Phone Verification

Please nominate a four-digit phone access code, this will help us identify you if you call our call centre.

Submit Form

There are just a few more things you need to read through, then check off so we can finish setting up your new, rewarding Virgin Money Super account.

I acknowledge that I have downloaded and read the Product Disclosure StatementProduct GuideInsurance GuideSustainable Investment Information booklet, for Virgin Money Super, and the Financial Service Guide .If the trustee accepts this application, I acknowledge that my rights as a customer of Virgin Money Super will be governed by the trust deed of the Mercer Super Trust and the rules of the Retail Division which govern Virgin Money Super. The trust deed and rules are available for download here, or by calling the Customer Care on 1300 652 770. I have considered my personal financial circumstances and the suitability of this product for me.

I have read the Privacy Collection Statement and consent to my personal information being collected, disclosed and used as described in the Privacy Collection Statement.

If I have provided my TFN, I agree for it to be used as outlined in the TFN Collection Statement.

All the information I have provided is true and correct.

Please check all checkboxes

Welcome to Virgin Money Super

We'll send you an email with all your new account details shortly. You'll find a quick summary and what to expect next below.

Your receipt number

Now you're a new Virgin Money Super customer, we can get started on making things easier for you. First up is bringing your super into one fund. It may help reduce the fees you pay and increase your super savings over time. Would you like us to find your super using your Tax File Number and bring it across to Virgin Money Super?
Important Information
  • You can request to combine all or part of your other super account(s).
  • You just need two or more forms of identity handy so we can verify it's your super.
    • check with your other super fund(s) any fees or charges that apply or if there are any other benefits you may lose
    • consider the impact this decision might have on your existing insurance, contribution and tax arrangements
    • seek financial advice before deciding whether to combine your super accounts.
  • Before combining your super, we recommend you:

By clicking 'Find my super, I agree for my TFN to be used for the purposes of performing a SuperMatch request, as outlined in the TFN Collection Statement. I authorise the transfer of any ATO held super monies into my account. ATO held monies include: superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions; superannuation holding accounts (SHA) special account; superannuation co- contributions; low-income superannuation tax offset and unclaimed superannuation monies.



Postal Address




Other Phone

Date of birth

Investment Choice


We'll invest your super contributions in our default investment option LifeStage Tracker® (MySuper) based on your date of birth. You can update this later through your online account.

Find out more about our investment options.

Insurance Cover

We provide Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover to eligible Aussie residents. This insurance cover will not apply until you’re aged 25 or over and your account has reached $6,000, or if you choose to have cover before you reach these thresholds. Eligibility conditions may apply. More information on your options is available here or in the Insurance Guide.

What's next?

  • Your new account details: Keep your eyes out for an email from Virgin Money Super that includes all your account details and how to activate your new online account.
  • Viewing or making changes to your account: Once you’ve activated your new online account you can jump straight in and:
    • add your Tax File Number (TFN) if you haven’t already provided it to us
    • review and change your investment and insurance details
    • access our easy to use tools to find your super and combine, help estimating your retirement income, and more.


Call us
Our Customer Care Team can help get your super sorted. Give them a call on 1300 652 770 (8am to 6pm (AEST) − Mon to Fri apart from public holidays) to talk to an expert or set up a call with our Simple Super Advice team at no extra cost.

There is a glitch

Something went wrong. Please contact us by calling 1300 652 770, Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm (AEST/AEDT)

Something went wrong

It looks like you might already have an account with Virgin Money Super

please check your emails for a welcome email.

If you haven't received anything from us within 2 business days, or if you don't already have an account with Virgin Money Super, call us on 1300 652 770.